Shine Your Light Yoga

Shine Your Light Yoga

Friday Dec 13, 6-7:30pm

with Sally Noel, Sal Annunziato & Melinda Alcosser

This seasonal offering is a yoga ceremony of movement, meditation & music for the purpose of celebrating light.  Light as gentle as relaxation or as fierce as a needed healing.  Light as illumination or clarity, an insight within silence, or a realization that light penetrates the darkest of spaces and how that alone is amazing.

This time of year brings a practice to turn towards light, the sun as he gradually descends into the darkest night and then begins to offer more shine each day, is showing us the power of potential, cycles, change, and hope.

Class will bring energy, breath, meditation & music with Sally leading a flow while Melinda drums, and ending with Kirtan with Sal joining.  Session will be fun and nurturing.

All are welcome, class card or drop ins welcome.