Grounding and Liberation: Meeting Earth and Sky

Grounding and Free: Meeting Earth and Sky

with Sally Noel

Saturday May 18, 3:30-5:15pm

Reflection is key for health in body, mind and heart.  Creating conditions for calm helps us release tension, paving the way for greater awareness.  Beloved yoga teacher T.K.V. Desikachar states, “Whenever you are in doubt, it is best to pause. Few things are so pressing that they cannot wait for a moment of breath.”

During this session we’ll move through some close to the earth postures, navigating breath with release.  From this cultivated spaciousness we then invite revitalizing strengthening, balance and focus, building prana (vital energy).  Yoga embodies opposing energies together, our grounding to earth, and our openness to sky.

Meditation, relaxation and integration practices will complete our time together, amplifying plenty of room to be.

All levels are welcome.  Variations are taught honoring the beginning and practiced student.

Cost: $35

50% proceeds will benefit BHCare

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.  BHCare in Branford provides mental health and addiction services, domestic violence and victim advocacy, child and housing services.